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- ; Tento soubor obsahuje makra programu PSPad pro ObjectScript
- ;
- ; Autor: Angel Ezquerra
- ; poslednĪ revize: 28.4.2004
- ;
- ; Klicova slova: 28.4.2004
- ;
- [Macro definition]
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [rctx | Define the rctx Common Routing Context]
- var rctx = pkg.util.rctx;
- [rctx.addPrimHandler | Add a Primitive Handler]
- rctx.addPrimHandler(|handlerFunction, rctx.type(primitiveType));
- [rctx.removePrimHandler | Remove a Primitive Handler]
- rctx.removePrimHandler(|handlerFunction);
- [rctx.sendAndWaitForPrim | Send a Primitive and Wait for an answer]
- rctx.sendAndWaitForPrim(|new primitiveConstructor(constructorArgs), rctx.type(primitiveType));
- [abs | Returns the absolute value of a number]
- java.lang.Math.abs(|number)
- [acos | Returns the arccosine of a number]
- java.lang.Math.acos(|number)
- [asin | Returns the arcsine of a number]
- java.lang.Math.asin(|number)
- [atan | Returns the arctangent of a number]
- java.lang.Math.atan(|number)
- [atan2 | Returns the angle (in radians) from the X axis to a point (y,x)]
- java.lang.Math.atan2(|y, x)
- [ceil | Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to its numeric argument]
- java.lang.Math.ceil(|number)
- [concat | Returns a new array consisting of a combination of two or more arrays]
- concat(|[item1[, item2[, . . . [, itemN]]]])
- [concat | Returns a string value containing the concatenation of two or more supplied strings]
- concat(|[string2[, string3[, . . . [, stringN]]]])
- [cos | Returns the cosine of a number]
- java.lang.Math.cos(|number)
- [eval | Evaluates ObjectScript code and executes it]
- eval(|codeString)
- [exp | Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power]
- java.lang.Math.exp(|number)
- [floor | Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to its numeric argument]
- java.lang.Math.floor(|number)
- [indexOf | Returns the character position where the first occurrence of a substring occurs within a String object]
- indexOf(|subString[, startIndex])
- [join | Returns a string value consisting of all the elements of an array concatenated together and separated by the specified separator character]
- join(|separator)
- [lastIndexOf | Returns the last occurrence of a substring within a String object]
- lastIndexOf(|substring[, startindex])
- [log | Returns the natural logarithm of a number]
- java.lang.Math.log(|number)
- [match | Executes a search on a string using a regular expression pattern, and returns an array containing the results of that search]
- match(|rgExp)
- [max | Returns the greater of zero or more supplied numeric expressions]
- java.lang.Math.max(|[number1[, number2[. . . [, numberN]]]])
- [min | Returns the lesser of zero or more supplied numeric expressions]
- java.lang.Math.min(|[number1[, number2[. . . [,numberN]]]])
- [pop | Removes the last element from an array and returns it]
- pop()|
- [pow | Returns the value of a base expression taken to a specified power]
- java.lang.Math.pow(|base, exponent)
- [push | Appends new elements to an array, and returns the new length of the array]
- push(|[item1 [item2 [. . . [itemN ]]]])
- [random | Returns a pseudorandom number between 0 and 1]
- java.lang.Math.random(| )
- [replace | Returns a copy of a string with text replaced using a regular expression or search string]
- replace(|rgExp, replaceText)
- [reverse | Returns an Array object with the elements reversed]
- reverse(| )
- [round | Returns a supplied numeric expression rounded to the nearest integer]
- java.lang.Math.round(|number)
- [search | Returns the position of the first substring match in a regular expression search]
- search(|rgExp)
- [shift | Removes the first element from an array and returns it]
- shift()|
- [sin | Returns the sine of a number]
- java.lang.Math.sin(|number)
- [slice | Returns a section of an array]
- slice(|start, [end])
- [slice | Returns a section of a string]
- slice(|start, [end])
- [sort | Returns an Array object with the elements sorted]
- sort(|sortFunction)
- [splice | Removes elements from an array and, if necessary, inserts new elements in their place, returning the deleted elements]
- splice(|start, deleteCount, [item1[, item2[, . . . [,itemN]]]])
- [split | Returns the array of strings that results when a string is separated into substrings]
- split(|[separator[, limit]])
- [sqrt | Returns the square root of a number]
- java.lang.Math.sqrt(|number)
- [substring | Returns the substring at the specified location within a String object]
- substring(|start, end)
- [tan | Returns the tangent of a number]
- java.lang.Math.tan(|number)
- [toLowerCase | Returns a string where all alphabetic characters have been converted to lowercase]
- toLowerCase(| )
- [toString | Returns a string representation of an object]
- toString(|[radix])
- [toUpperCase | Returns a string where all alphabetic characters have been converted to uppercase]
- toUpperCase(| )
- [writeln | Writes a specified string and newline character to the Console]
- WriteLine(|[string])
- [E | Returns Euler's constant, the base of natural logarithms. The E property is approximately equal to 2.718]
- java.lang.Math.E|
- [lastIndex | Returns the character position where the next match begins in a searched string]
- lastIndex|
- [lastMatch | Returns the last matched characters from any regular expression search. Read-only]
- lastMatch|
- [length | Returns the length of a String object]
- length|
- [NaN | Returns the special value NaN indicating that an expression is not a number]
- NaN|
- [PI | Returns the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, approximately 3.141592653589793]
- java.lang.Math.PI|
- [type | Returns information about the type of a file or folder. For example, for files ending in .TXT, "Text Document" is returned]
- type|
- [undefined | Returns an initial value of undefined]
- undefined|
- ;
- [Keywords]
- abs()
- acos()
- case
- catch
- continue
- else
- encoding
- escape()
- eval()
- extends
- false
- finally
- float
- for
- hash
- if
- implements
- import
- indexOf()
- instanceof
- lastIndexOf()
- lastIndexOf(,)
- length
- Math.abs()
- Math.acos()
- Math.asin()
- Math.atan()
- Math.ceil()
- Math.cos()
- Math.e
- Math.exp()
- Math.floor()
- Math.log()
- Math.max()
- Math.min()
- Math.pi
- Math.pow()
- Math.random()
- Math.round()
- Math.sin()
- Math.sqrt()
- Math.tan()
- method
- mixin
- new
- null
- parent
- protocol
- public
- reset()
- return
- search
- small()
- split()
- static
- substring()
- switch
- synchronized
- throw
- toString()
- toLowerCase()
- toString()
- toUpperCase()
- true
- try
- var
- with